Monday, April 16, 2012

Neighborhoods: Over the ghetto, and through the hood, to Josiah’s house we go

The area that I currently reside in has a very bad reputation for being dangerous. Unfortunately, it lives up to that reputation on a fairly consistent basis. The reality is that, even though the people there may speak and dress a certain way, most of the people that live there, are just trying to get by and make a decent living or go to school. But, the sad truth is because of certain stereotypes and a small group of people that perpetuate those stereotypes: like not paying to ride the bus, and (not so random) shootings The whole area suffers, with side affects such as decreased bus service, virtually zero cab service.

I’ve grown up in many different neighborhoods but for the most part had lived a relatively sheltered life, more out of neglect than necessity. But it would be out of pure naivety for me to believe that who I have become, has not, in some part, been affected by where I now live would be pure gullibility. When I took the time to reexamine how living where has influenced how I think and act and react to life, I’ve come to a realization that it has some adverse effects on psychology. My “neighborhood” has made me more suspicious of other people, I have prepared myself to be able to engage in and ultimately safely extract myself from a physical altercation. I don't talk to anybody. I don't want to talk to anybody; and it's a shame that the prospect of getting to know a new person is becoming marginalized with the not so invalid excuse of "I don't want to get shot because i decided to get to know this person". To not arouse curiosity, I've made a point of not buying anything that people with impoverish mentalities would hope to own, and steal to do so. I've learned to VALUE, what a poor person wont. I know that no matter how expensive I will never have to worry about some one stealing my books.

Monday, April 2, 2012

About Advertising

I really don’t like when advertisements about things that I will never use, appear on my phone. Other than the occasional, useful or quirky widget, like the weather and fortune cookie; then I could honestly do away with the rest. On the other hand, the only reason I watch the super bowl IS for the commercials. The comedic timing and shock value definitely do play a big part in its appeal. The celebrity cameos used to be something I would look forward to; but I think the sharp decline in that interest is has been largely impacted by my TV going out; Which has essential cut me off from celebrity “news”, and therefore lessened my wanting to see them or overall carrying of what they are doing. Another viable factor is for my apathy as far celebrities is when I came to the realization that celebrities are just very popular people, but they are only just people.

            I am most receptive to advertising and marketing after I’ve somewhat mentally prepared myself for it. In a movie theaters it like here are some movies that are similar to the movie that you are about to watch if you like it you can see it when it comes out. Sometimes at the mall, it’s interesting to see what the different stores have on display, but at the same time go in with the knowledge and experience that a lot of visual information is about  to be thrown in your at brain so get ready to set your perceptual filters higher than what you usually do. After that has been achieved it’s easier to focus on what’s personally appealing; it also helps to protect you from the incessant hucksterism.
            That all being said I actually am interested in the art of advertisement. The way in which someone can take a thing that you’ve never seen before, a thing that you have had encroach upon your reality and in a matter of mere seconds, make it upwards to an all-encompassing desire. To me, this IS mind control, modern mind control.