Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reading Freakonomics

There usually a certain level of disdain that I hold for all assigned books that I read even if I like it and "Freakomonics" has definitely been a challenging book to read. Not in its content or vocabulary; but in the ideas, augments an oddball corollaries that it presents that are constantly questioning how I think about the world I live in. Typically when get a book I’m done reading within a week. I have actually had to go out of my own way to make sure I don’t read past what it required, by having a secondary book to read.  I honestly haven’t utilized any elements of active reading aside for m just making mental note if things that I thought were interesting so that I could bring them up in discussion at later time.
            As far as advice goes, unfortunately, I don’t think I in the position to give any: I always remember most of what I read, I read while listening to really loud music and I read really fast (seriously, 30 plus pages in less than an hour, it’s a problem). The only advice I could give, if any, is that for reading for retention is  like exercising a muscle, the more you do it, the betterat it you will become.

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