Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Yeah I go to Work, True Winner"

Well, I don’t really like to dwell upon bad experiences but the worst job I ever had, and this is no reflection of the company, as whole or its practices was at working at Goodwill.  The thing primary problem I had with the place was that it made me sick. Even though the money was good (questionable?), $11.00 an hour /32 hours a week before taxes, the work was laboriously boring and they had us do everything: the first day I was there, they had me doing security. We were always cleaning up after messy customers, they called it recovery. I was occasionally a fitting room attendant apparently this was supposed to mitigate theft, it didn’t.  The coworkers were the oddest assortment of people, ever, and the customers . . . well, some of them were crack heads, literally I’m not exaggerating or being facetious.
The best job I’ve ever had was a job that wasn’t mine. I had recently reconnected with a friend of mine who worked at a Skullcandy kiosk in the mall that sold earphones. It was just cool; we would just hang out, listen to great music, and joke around all the time and every now and then, sell headphones. His sales were consistently the highest. Since I wasn’t working at the time and all I was doing was hanging out all the time anyways it win-win. We had previously worked for the same company, and since he knew I could sell, I would field some of the questions when he had too many customers. Eventually I was, unofficially, selling headphone as well, I just couldn’t operate the cash register or collect the commission. But, he usually bought lunch so it even out, and this kept my sales skills strong. Good Times.

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